Forums OujdaCity Café OujdaCity ENGLISH?? ANYONE??

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  • #205555

    I know i shouldn t have big expectations, but i ve been wondering about it and thought about giving it a try.
    So all you englishspeaking oujdis, out of the bushes and lets have a talk about……..anything!


    who speaks english here?
    he need speak english wlakine euh but there isn’t anybody 😆

    exuse me but i don’t speak english good 😳


    Salam Nadia,
    Nice to meet you.
    Your english is not bad at all.You are doing great compared to what i have seen here. I am anxious to see how many will react here. Most of people here communicate in french or in arabic. Luckily, I speak french as well, so that way i will keep myself updated with all the things that are going on here 😉
    So tell me where in the world are you?

    @Nadia83 wrote:

    who speaks english here?
    he need speak english wlakine euh but there isn’t anybody 😆

    exuse me but i don’t speak english good 😳


    hi there! realy glad 2 see somebody speaking in english,that will be nice 4 a change.well!i live in the UK,in a city where there is a lot of foreign people,with a minority of moroccan…let’s keep this forum going ,and this time in ENGLISH.SEE YA .


    welcome Oujdia sec

    to answer you, cph-moro, i live in france, in the south 🙄

    sorry, but here i think, there is few people who speaks english 🙄

    i hope you understand 🙄


    i can speak english too 🙂
    don’t you speak arabic?
    Anyway,as said before,there are few people who speak english here. It’s not very common to find english speaking moroccans unless they live in the UK or US.


    good creme te3 smen 😆

    plus people who lives in belgium, nederlands, or allemagne know speak english because thei langage have origins of UK


    creme ta3 smen 😀 win jbarti had le surnom? 😀 mais j’aime bien la comparaison…ana b7al smen,tebghini wella tekrahni…f louwwel njik un peu corsé chi chwiya,bessa7 ki twalefni ma tnejjemch t3ich bla biya :mrgreen: bon je vais arreter de me jeter des fleurs 🙂

    jme demande ce que ça donnerait si les marocains d’angleterre se mettaient a mélanger avec l’arabe comme nous on fait avec le francais 😀 😀
    vous imaginez?: hello my friend ki rak?koulchi allright? wachta l’foug?( traduction mot a mot de « what’s up ») wach ta3raf tspeaki l’english? la ma nspeakich b l’english but na3raf npseaki b french :mrgreen:


    u r realy funny,and u know what?it’s a good idea.
    so where r u from then?


    @la creme ta3 la creme wrote:

    Anyway,as said before,there are few people who speak english here. It’s not very common to find english speaking moroccans unless they live in the UK or US.

    huh … are you sure ? all moroccan study english at least during four years … if they can’t speak it fluently they can understand and express themselves (I think).

    you don’t need to create a special topic for english speakers 😉 every one is free to create threads with the language she wants. I allready saw spanish and english topics in this forum 🙂

    By the way : 30% of our visitors are english speakers, 12% are from USA and UK 😉


    @la creme ta3 la creme wrote:

    creme ta3 smen 😀 win jbarti had le surnom? 😀 mais j’aime bien la comparaison…ana b7al smen,tebghini wella tekrahni…f louwwel njik un peu corsé chi chwiya,bessa7 ki twalefni ma tnejjemch t3ich bla biya :mrgreen: bon je vais arreter de me jeter des fleurs 🙂

    jme demande ce que ça donnerait si les marocains d’angleterre se mettaient a mélanger avec l’arabe comme nous on fait avec le francais 😀 😀
    vous imaginez?: hello my friend ki rak?koulchi allright? wachta l’foug?( traduction mot a mot de « what’s up ») wach ta3raf tspeaki l’english? la ma nspeakich b l’english but na3raf npseaki b french :mrgreen:

    😆 😆

    super bien dit pour les marocains d’angleterre j’aimerais bien voir ça 😆 😆

    iwa khasni nspikiw linglish ❗ 😆


    you guys ,vous etes majahdin machalah hablando tan idomas wallah bravo a vous,keep up the good travail,you`ve got a lot of talento,cheers alikoum :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


    hi everybody!how u doing?i’m from south yorkshire,in a city called leeds..here u will find peolpe mainly from eastern europe,middle east,pakistan,somali,china…………..and the list goes on…4 oujdi people like myself,they r more located any london,or manchester…
    bless u all


    @oujdiasec wrote:

    u r realy funny,and u know what?it’s a good idea.
    so where r u from then?

    There are a looooot of moroccans here (40%north,40% rif 20% Oujda), and we are the biggest community in Brussels,2nd are the turkish. It’s not like england where you have people from everywhere…


    Hi everybody , how you doing? i hope you re okey , im very glad to see the success of this topic. by the way i wanna thank CPH-MORO for his idea. good one man 8)

    so, as you see. anyone can speak english , if it s not good , its at least not bad. when you ask ppl, why don t you try to use english , you got the only answer. i don t know how to speak it, im not good in english and perhaps i dont even think that i can choose the right words to comunicate. maybe that s true.

    However, humans as we are, we can make a vocabulary or a grammatical mistake. Therefore, it s gonna be good idea if we try to learn more, to practice with each other. that s gonna help us for well.

    i think the best thing to be good in english is , basically to listen , to watch english movies or english shows, as possible as you can , and to try to understand word by word, if you don t know the meaning, use a dictionary . it s gonna take a few minutes. but it s gonna add more for you.

    im not saying that im good, but the thing is that .if we want . we can .
    we moroccan are not stupid at all. we speak more langages than everybody in the word. as smart as we are. we can do it..

    and with the practice is gonna change.

    one more thing. the english we have in morocan s schools is not realy good . i remember we had too many books.. we wrote everything but the inside was empty , you see what i mean ..
    and the problem is that american english is not the same of british english . but at least if we can understand and answer, it s gonna be good.

    so thats what i have to say . by the way i like the british accent . it s good 😀 but i practice the american more . its esiest .

    good luck guys PDT_Armataz_02_02

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