Forums OujdaCity Café OujdaCity ENGLISH?? ANYONE??

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15 sujets de 16 à 30 (sur un total de 45)
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  • #268886

    I don’t exactly know, why this topic was established….perhaps, to make us improve our English…In this case, there are others way to do it (books…). This way, we could also establish a topic for Spanish, Japaneese…languages, so in my opinion, there is no interest.

    I think that the most important, is to exchange on debates…to make ourselves understand somethings, we can’t find in others domains, or even that we find but that we can’t well appreciate than here, and this whatever the language we use to speek.
    So, maybe, there could be an advantage, but which one…?
    I really don’t know.

    nano 4GB

    hey yo wasup!

    here i am here i am… i don’t know really what’s the point of creating a topic like that; is it a dual or something? PDT_Armataz_02_05

    most of people oujdi can speak english if isn’t fluently the badly; but they express them selves anyway… we are like a head hammer when we’ve beeing taking we can mak a haaaaaaaall!!! 😆

    so even those who are not leaving in england or UK; like most of us just a simple citizen had at least studiyed english at school for 3 years.. the key to speak english fluently is keeping see films in original version wich is english not those traducted to french.. read some books and lestining sometimes to english music epecially american music cause it is sooooo difficult to understund even it’s the same english.. american people speak fast and soooo mean than british people who are in genuarly calssy and polited people..

    so long and keep learning.. everything is good to know! PDT_Armataz_02_02


    Ok, so what do you think about these sentences from Palestinian hymne ? 8)

    I will live as a fida’i*, I will remain a fida’i, I will end as a fida’i – until my country returns
    My country, people of perpetuity. PDT_Armataz_02_05

    nano 4GB

    no comment mam… PDT_Armataz_02_02



    Just came back from sunny and vibrant Wahrane after a week PDT_Armataz_02_03 . Weather was nice, people were nice and hospitable (especially when they hear you re originally from Oujda) and if you like the music of RAI -i can imagine you do (I know I do)- you are gonna have to get there because like the Wahranis say in: Fi Wahrane Rai i dreb ou i dreb. It was all good! Too bad we can t get there from Oujda during summer, but let´s not get into that depressing stuff now(byt the way, is it just me or does the Palestinian Conflict always pop up in every topic in this forum 🙄 ? No offense, we all know that terrrible things happen in that region but let´s not make it the main theme in here!)

    Anyways, now back to CPH where rain is pouring and heaven is grey like it was the home of Satan 🙂 , AND it´s time to prepare for the exams scheduled month (it couldn t get worse!).In one other word: DEPRESSION 😳 . But after the exams, Saidia is on the menu.I pretty anxious about how it´s gonna turn out there. Looking forward to find out about the new clubs, and hopefully some good restaurants as well. I know the famous Montecristo(Paris, Marrakech and Cairo) is opening in Saidia. Did you know the owner is originally from Oujda, that he sings rai and is one of the organizators of the Oujda Rai Festival? Next thing they are gonna tell us is that OBAMA is orignally from OUjda as well.

    Happy to see that we are many here. Let us know what ´s popping in your life and keep posting your messages
    Most importantly ➡ stay positive!

    Bye for now!


    @nano 4GB wrote:

    no comment mam… PDT_Armataz_02_02

    @touria016 wrote:

    Ok, so what do you think about these sentences from Palestinian hymne ? 8)

    I will live as a fida’i*, I will remain a fida’i, I will end as a fida’i – until my country returns
    My country, people of perpetuity. PDT_Armataz_02_05

    So everybody wants to speak English, but when it’s time nobody wants… PDT_Armataz_02_07 PDT_Armataz_02_07

    nano 4GB

    @touria016 wrote:

    @nano 4GB wrote:

    no comment mam… PDT_Armataz_02_02

    @touria016 wrote:

    Ok, so what do you think about these sentences from Palestinian hymne ? 8)

    I will live as a fida’i*, I will remain a fida’i, I will end as a fida’i – until my country returns
    My country, people of perpetuity. PDT_Armataz_02_05

    So everybody wants to speak English, but when it’s time nobody wants… PDT_Armataz_02_07 PDT_Armataz_02_07

    no no mam… it’s not like that at all for me 😳 but the things is i prefer keep comment’s especially that subject for my self… all what i have to say that am really really so sad for what’s going on there.. really deep of my heart i am sorry… but that’s all…


    @nano 4GB wrote:

    hey yo wasup!

    here i am here i am… i don’t know really what’s the point of creating a topic like that; is it a dual or something? PDT_Armataz_02_05

    most of people oujdi can speak english if isn’t fluently the badly; but they express them selves anyway… we are like a head hammer when we’ve beeing taking we can mak a haaaaaaaall!!! 😆

    so even those who are not leaving in england or UK; like most of us just a simple citizen had at least studiyed english at school for 3 years.. the key to speak english fluently is keeping see films in original version wich is english not those traducted to french.. read some books and lestining sometimes to english music epecially american music cause it is sooooo difficult to understund even it’s the same english.. american people speak fast and soooo mean than british people who are in genuarly calssy and polited people..

    so long and keep learning.. everything is good to know! PDT_Armataz_02_02

    what do you mean bro , american ppl are not polite ? 8) i think that their english is easier, they don t spent time on talkin about the whole story. they say what they have to say , and that s it PDT_Armataz_02_03 even spanish ppl can learn it so fast.


    Hi for everybody in this topic

    Thanks so much for this topic
    The english language is my favorite language after french and spanich (surely after arabic)
    So I like watch movies in English version and I don’t like the french version

    keep going guys

    nano 4GB

    @Moonlight wrote:

    @nano 4GB wrote:

    hey yo wasup!

    here i am here i am… i don’t know really what’s the point of creating a topic like that; is it a dual or something? PDT_Armataz_02_05

    most of people oujdi can speak english if isn’t fluently the badly; but they express them selves anyway… we are like a head hammer when we’ve beeing taking we can mak a haaaaaaaall!!! 😆

    so even those who are not leaving in england or UK; like most of us just a simple citizen had at least studiyed english at school for 3 years.. the key to speak english fluently is keeping see films in original version wich is english not those traducted to french.. read some books and lestining sometimes to english music epecially american music cause it is sooooo difficult to understund even it’s the same english.. american people speak fast and soooo mean than british people who are in genuarly calssy and polited people..

    so long and keep learning.. everything is good to know! PDT_Armataz_02_02

    what do you mean bro , american ppl are not polite ? 8) i think that their english is easier, they don t spent time on talkin about the whole story. they say what they have to say , and that s it PDT_Armataz_02_03 even spanish ppl can learn it so fast.

    am not bro am girl 😳

    he yo; they are not polite sir; ah good lord whene u speak to them they use very bad language like « fu**** sh**** bowshi**** oooooh kiss my*****!!!! 😯 ooooooh so mean and nasty they use it a million times in there sentences wich is not so good to use especialy when u talk to people who are completly stanger’s to uuuuuuu!!

    in the other hand ya! there english is soooo fluid and easy to speak but not easy to understund to people who they are not familliar with current american english… u knwo what i try to say… i’ll give an exemple:

    ====>american people say’s  » i gotta something to give » when they speak it they say’s « i gora soming to give » like thisand sooooo quickly!
    ====>british people say’s (same sentences) « i gote something to give » and they pronouce it like i’ve writing it… see… it’s more complicated than american english.. but more polite; u never never hear some english citezen talk in bad bad language or in other word what’s we called « street language »…

    what ever! american english or british english is the same for me.. (bjouj kafrine bellah! PDT_Armataz_02_07 )… but the most important that learning it is more usefull than hear it and stay’s ignorant and mouth shut! it’s usefull in all countries even if it is chinaaaaa!! i wich if it was « arabic » more universal than that what a shame… 😥


    @ Moon : it’s more difficult to learn spanish than english. Because rules of conjugation are not the same…

    In english you’ll say : I will be, you will be, he/she/it, we, you they…and there are no accents
    Wereas in spanish you’ll say : estaré, estaràs, estarà, estaremos, estarais, estaran. And you have to emphasize each accent, wich is not easy at all.

    @ nano : « i wich if it was « arabic » more universal than that what a shame… 😥 ».
    I agree with you, but, you know, the US power is not just based on materials factors.

    It also incorporates, above all, the control of spirits, and this is based on linguistic signs !
    That’s why english became the dominant language by replacing the other languages and its view of the world.

    So, in my opinion, talking english is thinking as an english, as en american, as a zionist !!!
    I’m sorry but it’s the truth, and nothing is better than thruth.

    And the only reason I make an effort to speak english is that i know that I will need it on the professionnal domain, and that’s all….Unfortunately if arabic was the first language as anglish is now, it would be so better !


    @touria016 wrote:

    @ Moon : it’s more difficult to learn spanish than english. Because rules of conjugation are not the same…

    In english you’ll say : I will be, you will be, he/she/it, we, you they…and there are no accents
    Wereas in spanish you’ll say : estaré, estaràs, estarà, estaremos, estarais, estaran. And you have to emphasize each accent, wich is not easy at all.

    @ nano : « i wich if it was « arabic » more universal than that what a shame… 😥 ».
    I agree with you, but, you know, the US power is not just based on materials factors.

    It also incorporates, above all, the control of spirits, and this is based on linguistic signs !
    That’s why english became the dominant language by replacing the other languages and its view of the world.

    So, in my opinion, talking english is thinking as an english, as en american, as a zionist !!!
    I’m sorry but it’s the truth, and nothing is better than thruth.

    And the only reason I make an effort to speak english is that i know that I will need it on the professionnal domain, and that’s all….Unfortunately if arabic was the first language as anglish is now, it would be so better !

    Hi Touria
    Interesting message there.
    But what you are saying about the english language as being the language of zionists is absolutely nonsense (to say the least)!
    I have met the most hardcore Zionists in my life, and many of them did not speak english. On the other hand many of them spoke arabic and french as their first language!!!Does it lead us to say that french and arabic is the language of Zionist?That would be stupid as well…
    Generalizations are made in this world. Some are fair, some others are not! Most importantly, they say more about the persons who make them.


    Where is the subject? i don’t understand 🙄 , but i notice that there is many people intersted to talk this language , i guess that many from you want just to share some good time wich nice persons in universal language even if that has nothing to do with them mother language ,taht’s way i propose to you to get in touch with the famous Lounja , sh’s very kind nice ,cerviseable and helpful , the only problem that she’s in vacation for while , we have to wait for her and be patient; the thing is sur you’ll have a fun an pleasure to talk to her, and you cas also learn more and more PDT_Armataz_02_05


    Hi Every body and graet ! 😆
    How are things?
    It’s a good idea to find between us to talk about this and that. Especially in a place where few people can communicate in English.
    Furthermore, discussing some topics; exchanging pleasantries or even banalities.
    We can get easily pieces of information and brief each on newness.
    Let’s get in touch with us.


    @CPH-MORO wrote:

    @touria016 wrote:

    @ Moon : it’s more difficult to learn spanish than english. Because rules of conjugation are not the same…

    In english you’ll say : I will be, you will be, he/she/it, we, you they…and there are no accents
    Wereas in spanish you’ll say : estaré, estaràs, estarà, estaremos, estarais, estaran. And you have to emphasize each accent, wich is not easy at all.

    @ nano : « i wich if it was « arabic » more universal than that what a shame… 😥 ».
    I agree with you, but, you know, the US power is not just based on materials factors.

    It also incorporates, above all, the control of spirits, and this is based on linguistic signs !
    That’s why english became the dominant language by replacing the other languages and its view of the world.

    So, in my opinion, talking english is thinking as an english, as en american, as a zionist !!!
    I’m sorry but it’s the truth, and nothing is better than thruth.

    And the only reason I make an effort to speak english is that i know that I will need it on the professionnal domain, and that’s all….Unfortunately if arabic was the first language as anglish is now, it would be so better !

    Hi Touria
    Interesting message there.
    But what you are saying about the english language as being the language of zionists is absolutely nonsense (to say the least)!
    I have met the most hardcore Zionists in my life, and many of them did not speak english. On the other hand many of them spoke arabic and french as their first language!!!Does it lead us to say that french and arabic is the language of Zionist?That would be stupid as well…
    Generalizations are made in this world. Some are fair, some others are not! Most importantly, they say more about the persons who make them.

    Si Hitler avait gagné la guerre, c’est l’allemand qui se serait imposé et dans ce cas là, c’est l’allemand qui aurait été la langue à la mode et c’est cette langue qu’on aurait suggéré de parler et non..l’anglais!

    Et outre, le fais de vouloir être à la mode et de se la jouer, « regardez je parle anglais 8) « , il faut être vraiment naîf(ve), pour être sans savoir que la langue anglaise véhicule une idéologie : l’idéologie américaine !!
    Alors s’il vous plait, arrêtons d’être dupes et regardond la vérité en face, il n’y a pas mieux !

    J’ai toujours pensé qu’il ne faut pas oublier de parler la langue de son pays originaire. C’est juste une question de respect, d’humanité et d’ouverture, ne serait-ce qu’ envers soit même.
    Sinon, nous allons nous enfoncer de plus en plus vers une vision, uniface, universelle et contribuer à appauvrir le multilinguisme, qui par delà, conçoit plusieurs façons de voir les choses à travers différentes langues, et une ouverture accrue envers l’autre . Et de surcroit, redonner la place que l’arabe a eu jadis, et on pas sans savoir que le texte authentique de nôtre Livre sacré est en ARABE et non anglais, même s’il a pu en être traduit pour en faciliter la compréhension pour ceux qui ne lisent pas l’arabe…

    Pourquoi certains pays arrivent-ils à trouver dans leur propre langue ou dans d’autres que l’anglais une communication qui leur va ?? Pourquoi au Québec on s’est débrouillé pour résister à l’anglicisation des pensées en trouvant, par un effort d’imagination, dans la langue française, des termes beaucoup explicites?? (produite ludique en français ou « roller »)

    Bref, tout ça pour dire, arrêtez de vous noyer dans ce qui consitue une idéologie linguistique qui vous formate à sa façon ,arrêtons d’être schyzophène, et soyons nous.

    PS : non, je confond pas l’anglais et le français. J’ai juste décidé de parler dans ma langue d’origine pour la préserver.. PDT_Armataz_02_05

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