Forums OujdaCity Espace étudiant ENGLISH FOR MAGHREBIANS

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  • #205884

    Medi-Café: Trans-Maghreb Creative Writing Project

    Medi-Café: Trans-Maghreb Creative Writing Project. This is an one-year online creative writing programme for students and writers from the Maghreb sponsored by the British Council in partnership with the University of London in Paris.
    Writers from Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria will work with UK-based writers and academics in a unique form of inter-cultural dialogue which will enrich all partners.

    Visit the Medi-cafe website: http://medi-cafe.britishcouncil.org/



    as the writer says
    I agree with …
    to corroborate / to bear out
    you were quite right to point out …
    thought I fully agree with him that …
    I still believe that …
    it is agree that …
    to approve of …
    it true that …

    comme dit l’auteur
    je suis d’accord avec …
    corroborer, confirmer
    vous aviez raison d’attirer
    l’attention sur…
    bien qu’étant totalement d’accord avec…je n’en
    crois pas moins que
    il est convenu que…
    approuver …
    il est vrai que


    إليكم بعض العبارات الدالة على مفهوم النصيحة
    لكن مع جميع التحفظات بالنسبة للترجمة

    a piece of advice: نصيحة
    should / ought to : يجب عليك
    he’d better take on another position : إنه من الأفضل أن تأخذ وجهة نظر أخرى
    he’d be as well to …: سيكون أفضل إن
    why not (+ ing) … : … لم لا لم ن
    I suggest avoiding such a thorny issue : وأقترح تفادي مثل هذه القضية الشائكة
    I suggest he should avoid … :
    You could …: … عليك ان
    I urge you to …: … أحثك على
    it should be wise to … : … ينبغي ان تكون من الحكمة ان
    It’s in your interest to…


    قد يتعثر أحيانا، على متعلم لغة حية، البحث على مواقع مجانية تهتم خصوصا بالجانب السمعي والذي هو الاصعب مع نظيره المتعلق بكقاءة التكلم. هاهو موقع قد يكون مفيد لتطوير كقاءة السمع في الغة الانجليزية.

    Good Luck 😉


    القاعدة الأولى : الإلمام بمهارات اللغة الأربع بشكل متوازى

    1- السماع بالاستغراق في سماع نصوص اللغة المستهدفة وملاحظة طريقة اللفظ واللهجة ومخارج الأصوات Articulatory system

    2- المحادثة استخدام الألفاظ عمليا في سياقها الصحيح لصوغ جمل وتراكيب وفهم صحيح لآلية النطق Utterance mechanism

    3 القراءة تثبيت معاني المفردات والتراكيب القديمة عن طريق مطالعة نصوص جديدة ، مع اكتسابالجديد من المفردات والتراكيب والاجتهاد في فهم مقاصدها ،ومعرفة أصول القراءة الصحيحةفي مراعاة ارتفاع وانخفاض طبقة الصوت (Intonation) والانتباه الى المقاطع Syllables والنبرات Stress

    3- الكتابة إظهار ثمرة ما اكتسبه الفرد من مفردات وأساليب في صياغة نصوص جديدة

    القاعدة الثانية :
    العناية بالمنهج التطبيقي عن طريق تتبع ما يتعلمه من تراكيب وأساليب في النصوص التي يقرأها
    القاعدة الثالثة
    الشمولية بالأخذ بالطرق المختلفة في تعلم اللغة : الحاسب والإنترنت والدورات …الخ

    القاعدة الرابعة : الابتعاد عن القياس على اللغة الأم والابتعاد عن الترجمة الحرفية للأساليب والمعاني المشتركة

    مواقع خاصة بتعليم اللغة الإنجليزية :



    إليكم مقر مجاني لتعلم الانجليزية، يتوفر على فيديوهات حية:





    From very young language learners, career professionals, to mature-aged adults, students who are speakers of other languages have demonstrated strong interest in learning English. These students have short term and long-term goals that fit their individual life pursuits, and their bridge to greater success is the English language.
    Learning English as a foreign language can be a challenging process. But without the English language as a powerful tool, the student lacks the means to comprehend the information that he encounters or communicate the knowledge he possesses.
    Even for students who are acquainted with other subjects such as math, science and social studies, they will lag behind their peers in school simply because they are not equipped to function in this world.
    In our day, most universities and institutes across the world, offer ESL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or English for specific purpose courses at their curriculum. These courses can serve as remedial classes for students who have not attained the desired score in their TOEFL test.
    Besides acquiring general knowledge, theses course are designed for strengthen the student’s English language skills for writing essays and reports, in sciences and technology.
    If you invest a little time to study this language step by step, every a thirty minute a day, you will reach a significant backgrounds in ESL.

    from englishday.com

    adapted and modified



    لمن يتابع
    هاهي نصائح هامة


    عبد الكريم



    Différentes structures qui peuvent être employées pour parler de l’avenir:

    Présent progressif:

    On emploie le Présent progressif du proche avenir: il s’agit d’un présent chargé d’une notion de futur due à la présence d’un marqueur de temps (complément de date, d’heure, ou de lieu).

    • ce qui a été prévu ou déjà décidé.
    Ex. We’re having dinner at 8 o’clock – Nous dînons à 20h00);
    What are you doing in Saturday? – Qu’est ce que tu fait samedi?
    I am seeing Donna tonight – je vois Donna ce soir (ou: je dois voir…)
    going to + base verbale est également possible ici (voir ci-dessous).

    nos arrangements personnels
    Ex. This weekend I’m playing tennis with Pauline
    Ce week-end je vais jouer au tennis avec Pauline);
    going to + base verbale est possible mais moins courant ici (voir ci-dessous).

    Futur intentionnel: be going to + base verbale

    On emploie be going to + base verbale (c’est-à-dire l’infinitif sans ‘to’) pour parler:
    dévénements planifiés (qui sont proches du moment où l’on parle et qui ont été décidés AVANT ce même moment).
    • lorsqu’une personne a l’intention de faire
    Ex. I’m going to buy the new U2 album
    Je vais acheter le nouvel album de U2).

    • de ce qui a été décidé ou plannifié
    Ex. The Government is going to reduce our taxes
    Le gouvernement va réduire nos impôts);

    • de prédictions des événements basées sur des observations présentes ou passées
    Ex. It’s going to rain – Il va pleuvoir [observation: je vois les nuages sombres]).

    be going to peut parfois s’appliquer à un projet à long terme.
    Ex. What are you going to be when you grow up?
    Qu’est ce que tu veux faire quand tu seras grande?
    I am always going to love you.
    Je t’aimerai toujours.

    Futur simple

    On emploie le futur simple (will ou shall + base verbale)
    Lorsque on par d’une action que l’on décide sur le moment même.
    Lorque qu’on se réfère à des intentions ou attitudes envers autrui.
    Donc il est employé pour des offres (pour faire quelque chose)
    Ex. vous dites que vous avez froid, donc je dis I’ll close the window
    Je vais fermer la fenêtre.

    • pour faire une prédiction basée sur une estimation ou le résultat d’un calcul (plutôt que sur des observations actuelles) – donc souvent pour dire ce qui est probable ou certain de se produire ou pour dire ce qu’on s’attend à voir se produire
    Ex. According to economists, the price of petrol will increase by 10% by the end of the year – Selon les économistes, le prix du pétrole augmentera de 10% avant la fin de l’année).

    عبد الكريم


    From: morocco.com

    What an experience! We have just returned from a trip to this dirty filthy toilet of a country. It is impossible to talk to any of the locals; they are vultures that only see westerners as a source of cash. I was stung for 60 euros for just talking to a guy! (After 1 hour he “explained” that he was an official guide!) The hotel charged me 100 euro more than the quoted price, and when I returned the car at the airport, he took a further 20 euro from me ‘for fuel’ even though it was fuller than when I started! Driving standards are appalling, cities filthy, people unfriendly, we were on a visit to race the place prior to bringing a party of approximately 18 friends next summer, but I assure you that this will NOT take place.

    Filthy: قذر
    Vultures: شخص جشع
    Stung: ملسوع ، مقروص
    To charge: دفع ماللا
    Appalling: مروع
    Driving standards: مستوى السياقة




    كيف تبدأ تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية

    عن منتديات المغرب العربي



    thank you for your presious advices.
    i want to imprive my english because it seams the key if futur, even if i’m not very good in english but i try to do my best
    thank you very mush


    I am measuring the sense of your gratitude to me. And, I am pleased with this, as a reward for my work. As a matter of fact, I willingly try to make myself useful to specifically a North Africa’s citizens. As your part, you have obviously understood the importance of this language, as the language of the key to success in one’s career. In addition to this, we must also anticipate the future of English particularly in Morocco. In fact, English is going to be taught from the early scholar ages, on the near future; what is already in common use on the all of world, even in the private school on the our country.

    Anyway, there is certainly a large part of Moroccan people who realize this fact.
    I encourage you to keep on improving your English, by reading books, magazines and novels. If you are a beginner learner, avoid the difficult side of the language, like sayings, slang talk…

    I am ready to give you useful tips for that. And till next time,

    I hope you will be often on top.

    With my best regards.


    Hi everynoby

    Post Your English Questions in this forum and you will get the answers instantly
    ضع أسئلتك المتعلقة باللغة الانجليزية في هذا المنتدى وسوف تحصل على الأجوبة على الفور


    عبد الكريم


    There is a website for learning English with arabic language:

    Have a nice moments


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