oujada in the usa
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Forums › Villes de la région › Oujda › oujada in the usa
Looking for brothers and sisters from oujda who live in the USA.Lets get in touch , exchange stories about our beloved city. Cafe Colombo, cinema le paris . Anything and everything.
yes i know . 8)
I’m from england not in USA
I’m in Worcester MA USA. I will be more than happy to meet you bro.
I’m from Chicago!
it’s a joke
@Aziz USA wrote:
Looking for brothers and sisters from oujda who live in the USA.Lets get in touch , exchange stories about our beloved city. Cafe Colombo, cinema le paris . Anything and everything.
Bonjour Aziz,
moi je connaissais pas mal de personnes de ma promtion (Baccalaureat) qui sont allées juste aprés le bac à l’USA; j’étais en contact avec quelqu uns mais depuis 3ans on a perdu le fil;
je sais pas si tu connais A.Sara, M.Narjiss
i was lauthing when i talk about england but i go every holiday i live in oujda
This is steve from Miami 8)
I’m brad piit from berkane IN USA
Tiens je connais Sarah.A mais je n ai aucune nouvelle d elle
Hi friends:this is bekay from OKlahoma USA. and i’m originally from Oujda…
Tell how it is doing? how people doing?
I hope everybody is ok.
رمضان مبارك لكل جميع المسلمين ،ولكم أحباء،وإلى أهل لزاري،حي السلام،ظهر المحلة ، واد الناشف٠وتقبلواأحرالتهاني والشكر على هذا الموقع٠والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Heeey i am from holland…but i like to know the oneand other about the usa i am planning to go in the summerbreak to miami
@bekay wrote:
Hi friends:this is bekay from OKlahoma USA. and i’m originally from Oujda…
Tell how it is doing? how people doing?
I hope everybody is ok.
رمضان مبارك لكل جميع المسلمين ،ولكم أحباء،وإلى أهل لزاري،حي السلام،ظهر المحلة ، واد الناشف٠وتقبلواأحرالتهاني والشكر على هذا الموقع٠والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Thanx Bekay! & welcome in Oujdacity
S.D & Bekay, you’re welcome !