Real Hardcore Rap, R u interested in it?

Forums OujdaCity Café OujdaCity Real Hardcore Rap, R u interested in it?

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  • #202141

    There Is A an new Moroccan Hardcore Rap band With Three Members Named L.O.C.
    This Band been in the moroccan hip hop scene since 2001 , when Realwann & Shaheed Met Each Other In A Rap Battle On The Streets Of Oujda.
    Now They Resurect The Band After Another Member Joined The Band : 2Gunz, They Went To The Studio To Record Their Lost Tapes , Old Rhymes But With A New Rage & Agressive Way , Their Lyrics Are Based On Religious Beliefs & Politic Issues , Philosopy & Street Life.
    They have a completely different sound than the average. Their style is like no other in the Moroccan Hip-Hop scene,L.O.C. has performed in many clubs and famous squares throughout Oujda and Saidia during 2003, where they were at their peak as a group. Soon after, a series of tragedies would set them back, with no mercy. Just to name a few, 2Gunz Nightmare got locked up, Realwann faced a tragic loss in his family when his father became very sick (May God have mercy on his soul). Shaheed became hopeless as his crew went through some of these hard times. However, this was just the silence before the storm. With the venom in their hearts, 2005 brought a new L.O.C. in full force, more hardcore now than ever before.Their struggles only made them stronger. The silence soon ceased when they hit the studios and performed a series of strong rhymes, such as one they refer to as their anthem which is properly titled Armada, among others like this purely 100% ghetto song, Dont Be Sad, as well as Loc-jaw, Profit, Oujda, and several others. Dont get it twisted either, because The L.O.C. is nothing like some of the commercial rap you are used to listenin to. The L.O.C. is, in their own words, « Only the elite people could understand the message and read what is between the lines« .
    Is This Enough To You To Be Curious & Listen To Their Songs & Clean Your Mind & Ears From The Crap Music??
    Now Check Out Their Page On Mypace :



    pour le LOC j ‘ai ecouté klkes une de vos chanson je vois ke vous travaillez ke la music pour les paroles wellah c’est pas du niveau vous dites presque rien c’est une critique ke vous prennez au serieux si vous voulez une bonne continuation (on entand ke OUJDA ds vos chanson alors k’il n y a pas des vrai sujet discuter )
    j vous souhaite bonne chance


    Lol je crois ke t entr1 de parler d’un autre groupe , ou t’a rien piger ..
    tu peu pas dire ke not music est basé sulement sur la muzik , parce ke c pa vrai.
    Not music est basée sur les paroles et rien que sur les paroles . en plus t’a dit ke t’a ecouté « kelke morceaux » & tu pe pa juger le groupe si t’a entendu ke kelke morceaux, meme si kelke morceux come tu di ont un msg , » KOLCHI METAPHORE & DEVINETTE » armada by L.O.C.
    9raw shwiya
    tu peu nomée les morceaux ke t’a dit t’a ecouté??

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Real Hardcore Rap, R u interested in it?