trés trés trés urgent********

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  • #206511

    salut tout le monde
    j’ai l’intention de m’intégrer à la faculté de medecine
    mais avec mon bac sc maths b, mes connaissances en SVT sont trés limitées
    donc je cherche un bon prof qui pourra m’aider à dépasser ce manque pour que je puisse passer le concours d’accés avec succés.
    ici a oujda,
    pour le prix et le nombre des heures je suis préte a discuter par messagerie privée.
    SVP c’est trés urgent, je vous pris de m’aider meme en m’indiquant un tel ou tel prof.
    merci infiniment


    Being a regular reader of Oujdacity forum, I came across on your appeal for someone, who could give you a hand to coach you for a competitive examination. In fact, you intend to sit for an medical school‘s competition for admission, while you are graduated from secondary school with Bac degree in mathematical science.

    The interest of the matter – what strikes me – is that it raises the problem of the misguidance, which is broadly common among many students. How awful! I understand your strong will to be a doctor on your future career. If only you were graduated on the experimental Bac degree. In the nearer past, you had intentionally chosen the natural science subject as a fringe course. Had you consulted an adviser about this choice? Do you think you will be able to acquire the hole biological and geology syllabus of 3 year in no time? Poor girl! You are dreaming.

    A remedial teaching: If I have some advice to give you, perhaps you should repeat the year like student do in France about the preparatory year at university for medical school‘s. in fact all student take course during the all the year and take the exam again. In my opinion you won’t loose any time for this work.
    You will be more confident for the exam. I am sure it will be all right next time and you can do better.
    I shall be looking forward to hearing from your future.


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trés trés trés urgent********